

The College of 教育 has several committees to help govern the College. 这些 active advisory committees are comprised of faculty, staff, and administrators. 会员 这些委员会的成员是自愿的.

  • 录取及标准委员会
  • 课程委员会
  • 研究生委员会
  • 安全委员会
  • 教师教育委员会
  • 迪安的委员会


The Council is an advisory body that is responsible for making recommendations to the administration regarding curricular matters pertaining to the following programs 在教师教育方面:

  • New undergraduate or graduate programs designed for the preparation of teachers or 其他教育人员.
  • Major revisions or modifications of existing University programs.
  • Major changes in programs having impact on programs, options, courses, staffing in 大学其他学院.


The 教师教育委员会 (CTE) is composed of five faculty representatives from the College of 教育, five faculty representatives from the College of 艺术 and 科学, the Director of Teacher Certification, the Director of the Office of Field Placement, the 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址院长 and the Dean of the College 文理学院. The 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址院长 is the Chair of the CTE. The faculty representatives are appointed by the Deans of the respective colleges. One representative is from the Department of Psychology. 没有两个成员来自 the same department and each is involved in the teacher education curriculum.


At least one regular meeting of the Council will be held each semester of the academic 一年. 理事会在夏季不开会. 定时的时间和地点 meetings of the Council are determined by the Co-Chairs of the Council. 特殊的会议 of the Council may be called by the Co-Chairs of the Council or by request of the 大学校长或教务长. 所有的请求和请愿都提交给 the Chairperson of the Council and a special meeting will be called as soon as is practicable after such requests or petitions are received.


Copies of the minutes of the meetings of the CTE are distributed to CTE members, the Chair of the 教师 Senate, appropriate administrators, and filed in the University 档案.


Committee membership from the College of 教育 shall include the chairperson of each department and the Assistant to the Dean for Certification and 认证. Members from outside the College of 教育 shall include a representative from 图书馆和大学课程安排.

教师 requesting curriculum changes may be asked to attend the meeting in which the curriculum issue has to be discussed and voted upon for to address specific questions 和关切.

Any member unable to attend a meeting shall submit a proxy vote or send an alternate selected by the committee member as his/her representative.

The election for chairperson shall take place at the June meeting or as decided upon by the committee at the last meeting of the spring semester in May.

Minutes of each meeting shall be taken by the secretary designated by the committee at the first official meeting of the academic 一年.


The 课程委员会 shall review and make its recommendations for all new programs, all proposed changes in courses and in requirements for major sequences, and on all additions and deletions of courses and programs. 部门代表应 be responsible for forwarding curriculum documents for required signatures as indicated 在路由表和如下所示.

  1. Changes requiring additional personnel or which involve other colleges in the University will be forwarded to the 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址院长 and Vice-President for Academic 审查事项.
  2. All curricular decisions relating to undergraduate/graduate teacher education programs 这可能会影响到艺术学院 & Science programs will be forwarded for approval 教师教育委员会. The 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址院长 will facilitate the scheduling of Council of Teacher 教育 meetings.
  3. New undergraduate teacher education programs will be forwarded to the Council on Teacher 教育 and to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval.
  4. All matters pertaining to graduate courses and programs will be forwarded to the 研究生 理事会的行动. New graduate programs will be forwarded to the 研究生委员会 以及负责学术事务的副校长.


会议 will be held on a monthly basis as needed; the time and day will be determined 委员会在9月的会议上否决了该议案.

  1. Committee members will submit agenda items and curriculum forms at least one week before the meeting to the committee chairperson and committee members.
  2. An agenda will be sent to committee members, the 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址院长 and the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs at least five days before 会议由委员会主席主持.
  3. 会议 may be held on an emergency basis if requested by a committee member or the 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址院长.
  4. Agenda items may also be reviewed and voted upon through email if deemed appropriate 主席.
  5. Copies of the minutes of each meeting be distributed to the members and stored in LiveText.
  6. Curriculum forms processed by the Committee will be filed in the Office of Dean of the College of 教育 and in each respective departmental office for which the 课程问题已经处理.

会议 are held on the first Thursday of every month
