
Approved PharmD Curriculum 2020/21 and Beyond

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
6111 Pharmaceutical Dosage 形式 I 3
6116 Pharmacy Physiology 3
6117 Pharmaceutical Calculations I 1
6118 Pharmacy Patient Skills I 2
6119 Introduction to Professionalism 1
6120 Introduction to Pharmacy and Healthcare Systems 3
6121 Professional Practice I - Introduction to Pharmacy Practice 3
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
6112 Pharmaceutical Dosage 形式 II 3
6122 Professional Practice II - Public Health and Wellness 2
6123 Research Methods and Pharmacoepidemiology 3
6125 Pharmacy Biochemistry 3
6126 Microbiology 2
6127 Pharmaceutical Calculations II 1
6128 Pharmacy Patient Skills II 3
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
6211 Principles of Pharmacokinetics 3
6212 Pharmacy Immunology 2
6213 Pharmaceutical Dosage 形式 III 2
6218 Pharmacy Patient Skills III 3
6223 Professional Practice III - Institutional Orientation 1
6231 Drug Action, Structure and Therapeutics I - Introduction 3
6232 Drug Action, Structure and Therapeutics II - Nutrition, ANS, and Cardiovascular I 4
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
6222 Literature Evaluation and Evidence-Based Medicine 2
6224 Professional Practice IV - Institutional 2
6228 Pharmacy Patient Skills IV 2
6229 Pharmacogenomics 2
6233 Drug Action, Structure and Therapeutics III - Cardiovascular II and Renal 4
6234 Drug Action, Structure and Therapeutics IV - Endocrine, Pulmonary, and Genitourinary 4
65XX Professional Electives 2-4
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
6318 Pharmacy Patient Skills V 2
6321 Pharmacy Practice Management 3
6324 Health Economics and Drug Treatment Outcomes 2
6335 Drug Action, Structure and Therapeutics V - Gastrointestinal, Immunological, and CNS I 4
6336 Drug Action, Structure and Therapeutics VI - CNS II and Acute Care 4
65XX Professional Electives 2-4
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
6227 Pharmacy Law and Ethics 3
6325 Professional Practice V - Applied Practice 1
6328 Pharmacy Patient Skills VI 2
6337 Drug Action, Structure and Therapeutics VII - Infectious Disease 4
6338 Drug Action, Structure and Therapeutics VIII - Virology, Oncology, and Toxicology 4
65XX Professional Electives 2-4
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
6326 Professional Practice VI 1
6421 Intro to Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 0
64xx Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 5
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
64XX Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 5
64XX Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 5
64XX Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 5
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
64XX Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 5
64XX Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 5
6449 NAPLEX Intensive Review 5
6499 Pharmacy Capstone 0


Curriculum Credit Hour Breakdown

Didactic Curriculum: 103 Credit Hours

Experiential Curriculum: 37 Credit Hours

Total Credit Hours for PharmD Curriculum: 140 Credit Hours


The following includes all grades, grading options, numerical equivalents, and corresponding definitions that may be issued in courses taken at the CSU-COHS&P:

A 4 Excellent
B 3
C 2 公平
D 1 可怜的
F 0 失败
P 0 通过
W 0 Withdraw
W/A 0 Withdraw/Student Attended One Class Session
W/D 0 Withdraw/Student Never Attended
I 0 Incomplete
X 0 No Grade Issued
I/F 0 Missed Incomplete Deadline

The PharmD students will be subject to the CSU-COHS&P policies regarding academic monitoring, standing, and probation. All students will be given a copy of these guidelines and regulations upon entry into the program.

Graduation requirements

To qualify for graduation, a student must:

  1. Successfully complete a minimum of 54 semester credit hours (or quarter credit hour equivalent) of prerequisite coursework, as stipulated, for admission to the program
  2. Successfully complete the program of professional and experiential coursework as approved by the CSU-COHS&P Faculty and Dean
  3. Attain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 for all professional coursework at the CSU-COHS&P;
  4. Complete, at a minimum, the last two didactic semesters and all advanced pharmacy practice experiences at the CSU-COHS&P
  5. Settle all financial accounts with the institution
  6. Attend the commencement exercises for conferral of the degree, unless excused by the Dean, CSU-COHS&P