




提交表格as4以确认自修 & 参选的基准

表格AS 4(M) A form required for Reaffirmation, Candidacy, and ongoing compliance per AS 4.0.3.  

This form is used to assist the Commission on 认证 in the evaluation of the program’s compliance with the accreditation standard below:

The program uses Form AS 4(B) and/or 表格AS 4(M) to report its most recent assessment outcomes for each program option to constituents and the public on its website and routinely updates (minimally every 2 years) its findings.

All programs accredited by the 社会工作及教育委员会’s (CSWE) Commission on 认证 (COA) are required to measure and report student learning outcomes.  All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the 教育al Policy and 认证 Standards (EPAS) and any additional competencies programs may 选择添加.  这些整体 competencies reflect the dimensions (knowledge, values, skills, and cognitive & 情感 processes) of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master 在他们的专业培训期间.

项目 determine a percentage-based 基准 for each competency and determine an outcome-measure 基准 (minimum score) for each measure. 能力基准, that can differ for each competency, represents the minimum percent of students the program expects to have achieved the outcome measure 基准 in both/all measures 对于九项能力中的每一项. 这个项目决定了学生的比例 that attained each outcome measure, with a minimum passing score or better, and aggregates the percentages for both/all measures together to obtain the percentage of student's 能力包括两(2)项或更多措施. 两者/全部聚合的结果 outcome measure percentages provides the percentage of students achieving the competency 基准. An aggregated percentage at or above the competency 基准 is considered 实现该能力. If the program has more than one program option, the program must report data for each program option, and also an aggregate of all program options combined to determine an overall percentage of students across all program 实现能力基准的选项.

Per the requirement of CSWE COA’s recognizing body, the Council on Higher 教育 认可(CHEA)和认可标准4.0.3、项目必须张贴此表格 publicly on its website and routinely update its findings at least every two years.  Upon request, programs must provide CSWE with the weblink to the published form on the program’s website where it is accessible to the public.  资料载于 form must be collected within 2 years of the published date at all times.

项目评估计划总结| 通才实践

All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the 教育al Policy and 认证 Standards of the 社会工作及教育委员会 and any additional competencies programs may 选择添加.  Summarize the program’s 基于能力的评估计划. 项目 may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of areas of specialized practice 每一项措施都包含在数据中.



能力(ies)评估: 比较1 - 10
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 1结束st 和2nd 学期,实地实习地点
谁评估学生的能力: 现场讲师
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: “Expected Understanding and Minimally Effective Application”
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力(ies)评估: 比较1和6
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能 认知/情感过程
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 秋季/课程嵌入作业在SWK 5430
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力(ies)评估: 比较2
维度(s)评估: 价值观,认知/情感过程
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 秋季/课程嵌入作业在SWK 5416
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力(ies)评估: 比较3
维度(s)评估: 技能,认知/情感过程
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 春季/课程嵌入作业在swk5431
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力(ies)评估: 比较4
维度(s)评估: 知识,认知/情感过程
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 春季/课程嵌入作业在SWK 5440
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力(ies)评估: Comp 5
维度(s)评估: 价值观,技能认知/情感过程
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 秋季/课程嵌入作业在SWK 5410
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力(ies)评估: Comp 7
维度(s)评估: 知识,技能认知/情感过程
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 春季/课程嵌入作业在swk5421
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力(ies)评估: 比较8和10
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 春季/课程嵌入作业在swk5432
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%

项目评估计划总结| 专业实习

Students are assessed using a minimum of two measures of mastery regarding the nine competencies that comprise the 教育al Policy and 认证 Standards of the 社会工作及教育委员会. 可以根据课程添加其他能力 用于某一领域的专业实践. 清单包括程序的摘要 基于能力的评估计划.  项目 may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of areas of specialized practice and each measure included in the data 提出了.


评估测量# 1
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 1结束st 和2nd 学期,实地实习地点
谁评估学生的能力: 现场讲师
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: “预期的理解和188bet金宝搏官网登录网址”
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: Spring/ embedded assignment在swk5490
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 的知识,
何时/地点对学生进行评估: SWK 5441中的Fall/embedded assignment
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 夏季/嵌入式任务在SWK 5411
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
Searching for knowledge to guide practice with troubled 家庭
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: SWK 5434中的Spring/嵌入式赋值
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 1结束st 和2nd 学期,实地实习地点
谁评估学生的能力: 现场讲师
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: “预期的理解和188bet金宝搏官网登录网址”
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: Spring/ embedded assignment在swk5490
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 的知识,
何时/地点对学生进行评估: SWK 5441中的Fall/embedded assignment
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 夏季/嵌入式任务在SWK 5411
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%


维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: Spring/embedded assignment在swk5451
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 1结束st 和2nd 学期,实地实习地点
谁评估学生的能力: 现场讲师
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: “预期的理解和188bet金宝搏官网登录网址”
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: Spring/ embedded assignment在swk5490
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 知识,认知/情感过程
何时/地点对学生进行评估: SWK 5441中的Fall/embedded assignment
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
维度(s)评估: 价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: 夏季/嵌入式任务在SWK 5411
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
Contextual 评估, Intervention, Planning and Evaluation Strategy
维度(s)评估: 知识、价值观、技能
何时/地点对学生进行评估: SWK 5471中的Fall/embedded assignment
谁评估学生的能力: 教练
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
能力 Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%


填写表格AS 4的说明

Indicate the 基准 percentage for each competency.  能力基准是 the percent of students the program expects to have achieved both/all outcome measure 基准.  项目 calculate the percentage of students achieving each outcome measure 基准, then calculate the percentage of students achieving each competency inclusive of two or more measures for each program option.  具有多个功能的程序 program options must present data for each program option, and in aggregate inclusive 每个能力的所有程序选项.  程序可以准确地添加/删除列 反映所提供的课程选择的数量.  这是必须填写的表格.  评估 data table may be altered to accurately 反映所提供的课程选择的数量 以及其他项目开发的能力. 然而,除了这些格式更改之外, 程序不得更改此表格的内容.



能力 能力(%) 达到基准的学生百分比
  通才 专业实践领域 通才实践   1 .直接练习 2号计划 & 管理 #3 学校社会工作
1:表现出道德和职业行为 80 80 86 83 76 91
2 .在实践中运用多样性和差异性 80 80 90 89 86 94
3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice 80 80 89 80 75 86
4: Engage in Practice-informed 研究 and 研究-informed Practice 80 80 90 78 65 90
5 .参与政策实践 80 80 86 78 70 90
6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80 80 87 86 70 92
7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80 80 94 78 65 92
8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80 80 92 81 70 90
9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80 80 88 77 80 94
10: Strengths-based, Trauma-Informed, Family-Centered, Urban Context 80 80 92 80 74 86